Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 18th

Hey guys and Gals
I sort of took sunday off, because i have to go to Niagara falls on monday morning.
Today, is just nothing but a bad day.
never ending coolers, maybe i overplay the big pot, but my hand is strong, i'm looking to get money all the money in.
Turn and River, is just so unfriendly today.
Even know i feel i run so bad, but end of the review, i'm just playing bad.
why? i still could of go breakeven or tiny lost for the night.
if you look at the graphic, i got nail with coolers 5 straight time, with 5th one been a really big pot. that must somehow set me on tilt.
i finally realize cursing at bad player won't help me win, and i was playing too many pots out of position, and spill too much money try to out play others.
so i start play more with position (including trash), and fold hands out of position (some are really tight fold, but.... )
I was grinding my way back, then hit another cooler.
Nut flush got rivered, with the Donky two pair, made the fullhouse.....
funny thing is, he didn't even know. he just flat call my river bet.....lol i love Fishes, I could of lose a big pot... so no complaint there.
I then realize i made another mistake
"never chase lost, and fight another day"
So i end the night here.
it's all in the mind, why put youself in a uphill fight, when you can walk uphill torromow.
Here is today's graphic

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