Saturday, December 6, 2008


Oh man
i though Oct was bad....Nov. even worse......thanks god for bonus and rakeback.
nothing like run bad, lose money, but came up $1650 increase to my bankroll.
there still tons leak on my games, so far runing bad has me afraid to get the money in....which end up cost me.
i'm working on this leak, and hopefully patch up soon.

Here share my pain
the beat the beat.

Here is Happy time

i really don't have the time to work out hand in question...i'll do that in the future.

Monday, December 1, 2008

bonus whore everest poker

I just finish whoring everest today
everest is 6th largest site in the world
players are pretty fish, bonus easy to clear.
take me 15 days and 40.9 Hr to clear $500 bonus,
i also pickup a nice $460 winning to go with it.
deposite $500 and walk out there with $1460.
not bad
too bad hit a ugly downswing, took 1/4 of my total winning down to the toilet......><
if you haven't try everest, i highly recommand it.
Please click the everest banner to go to everest website.