Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19th

Today, what can i say, all the hard work pay off,
i start off running good, then it turn for the worse
much like yesturday, cooler after cooler, suckout after suckout.
I keep my cool, learn from yesturday's mistake, and play in position more.
I try to out play those donky, and take down as much pot as i can,
I don't know why, i keep running into the nutz, maybe players notice i was a bit passive, but i do choose and call, depend on my strenght, they show me the nutz each time.
for the longest time, my showdown winning % is at 31%....that really sux, not to mention hands i folded on the river. so i avoid going to the showdown as much as i can.
since they know i can peel, call with air, but usually fold to river push, wait, i wait, i wait, i finally get some made hands, so i play the same as i was trying to take them off the pot, they push on the river, read'em and weep'em.
i end the day with winning. that's always good.

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